Can I use RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 tools with a 4.2 application, and vice versa?

Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.2 and 4.3

RTI Data Distribution Service 4.2 and 4.3 applications and tools are interoperable, with the following caveats.

To monitor a 4.2 application with 4.3 tools:

  • If your 4.2 application's data types do not contain any 8-byte or larger primitive types, there are no compatibility issues, the tools will work.
  • If your 4.2 application's data types do contain 8-byte or larger primitive types, the tools will work if you hand-edit the application's generated type-handling code to fix the alignment.

To monitor a 4.3 application with 4.2 tools:

  • If your 4,3 application's data types do not contain 8-byte or larger primitive types, there are no compatibility issues, the tools will work.
  • If your 4.3 application's data types do contain 8-byte or larger primitive types, the tools will work if you generate the application's type-handling code with rtiddsgen's -use42eAlignment flag.
  • If your 4.3 application uses batching, the 4.2 tools will not be able to read the data.

Please consult the RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 Release Notes and Transition Guide for more details.