
In a scenario where multiple DataWriters come up and go away in the system, a matching DataReader application will experience a continual memory growth, this may be confused with a memory leak. This observed behavior is due to the fact that DataReader entities must maintain information about the ...
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A normal scenario in RTI Connext DDS is to have a Publisher that generates samples and several Subscribers that receive the generated data. In other words, the expected out-of-the-box behavior is for all Subscribers to get all the data. This is so because each Subscriber has its own DataReader for ...
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Note : Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. Discovery is not an instantaneous event. It takes some time for the discovery process between applications to complete. The DDS DataWriter and DDS DataReader must discover each other before they can start communicating. Therefore, if you send data ...
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Note : Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. What is the trade-off between having one Subscriber with multiple DataReaders , versus multiple Subscribers that each have one DataReader ? Typically, an application will have one Subscriber with multiple DataReaders . If the DataReaders are set up to ...
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