
Achieving low jitter and more deterministic write times and real-time performance requires in-depth tuning at the OS layer and DDS layer. It tends to involve a long list of recommendations to apply e.g. you can see advice online that involves similar checklists. This article summarizes best practices, and we recommend exploring and testing all the recommendations listed here. ...
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Jitter when making API calls can result in inconsistent execution time for making those calls. For example, the median call to return_loan() may take ~4,500 nanoseconds, but there could be execution outliers that take 5-10x this median time. What could cause this kind of behavior? The cause of such ...
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When using certain restrictive umask settings, the RTI Connext installer may cause the GNOME desktop environment to lock up and prevent access to the desktop environment of a device. You can work around this issue by setting a more permissive umask, running the installer, and restoring the restrictive umask afterward. ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x. Problem Sometimes when you start your RTI Connext application, you get the following error: [D0037|ENABLE]RTIOsapiSharedMemoryMutex_create:OS semget() failure, error 0X1C [D0037|ENABLE]NDDS_Transport_Shmem_create_recvresource_rrEA:failed to initialize shared memory ...
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