
Occasionally users will run into the following error message, or something similar, when starting their Connext application and will have a hard time identifying the cause. Error: Failed to create Connector: RTIXMLObject_addChild: XML object with name '<xml_obj_name>' already exists ...
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When you use an RTI Data Distribution Service 4.4b XML QoS profiles file with 4.3e or 4.4a, you may see the following error: RTIXMLParser_onStartTag:Parse error at line 13: Unexpected attribute 'xmlns:xsi' RTIXMLParser_parseFromFile:error parsing XML file DDS_XMLParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing ...
4660 reads — 0 comments
Note: This article applies to RTI Connext DDS version 4.4c and higher. The error indicates that the XML parser encountered a tag for a field that doesn't exist in 4.4c and higher, because it was renamed. Two fields in the DataWriter's protocol.rtps_reliable_writer QoS were renamed in 4.4c: Old name ...
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