
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS Micro 3.x and above Configuration via external files often isn’t allowed in certified applications, such as those used by the automotive industry. In such cases, the keys, governance, and permissions configuration used by RTI Security Plugins should be specified ...
2947 reads — 2 comments
This article explains how to run RTI Connext DDS in Docker using the network bridge driver. ...
14205 reads — 0 comments
When you link your application with the RTI Connext DDS libraries, you can choose whether to use dynamic or static linking. But what is the best approach if you want to use the DDS Secure plug-in? There are some situations that you need to be aware of and avoid. This article describes the possible ...
5300 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to Connext DDS 5.x and above Sending TypeCode/TypeObject on the wire provides convenience over specifying the type via XML configuration, but has the disadvantage that more data must be sent during endpoint discovery. This can cause network congestion problems when the TypeCode/ ...
5665 reads — 0 comments
When enabling RTI Monitoring library via the QoS file, a Connext DDS application might report a memory leak when using valgrind for memory usage analysis. An example of the valgrind output for this memory leak is found at the end of this article. Please see this Knowledge Base article for more ...
4014 reads — 0 comments
What is the Monitoring Library and how do I enable it? RTI Monitoring Library is a plug-in that enables an RTI Connext DDS application to provide monitoring data. This data can be visualized using the RTI Monitor application or read by a separate, user-created application. In RTI Connext DDS , ...
9878 reads — 0 comments
When using the “host” Docker driver, all network interfaces of the host machine are accessible from the Docker container. Furthermore, there is no networking namespace separation between the Docker containers and the host machine. To run a container in host mode, run the following command: $ docker ...
13312 reads — 0 comments
Introduction Docker enables containers to communicate with one another and with the host machine using interprocess communication (IPC). As explained in the Docker’s documentation: IPC (POSIX/SysV IPC) namespace provides separation of named shared memory segments, semaphores and message queues. ...
14547 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.2.0 and above. For the purposes of this article we will assume that: You are familiar with the installation process of RTI Connext DDS. If not, see the instructional video in . You are trying to install version 5.3.0 ...
4400 reads — 0 comments
DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) is a series of bits in the IP header for classification purposes. These bits specify the precedence value of the packet, the drop probability, and the network service used. ...
26875 reads — 0 comments


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