content filter

A demonstration of Routing Service that shows how data can be constrained over a WAN network.
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A Content Filtered Topic is a Topic with filtering properties. It makes it possible to subscribe to topics and at the same time specify that you are only interested in a subset of the Topic's data. This example explains how to use the built-in StringMatch filter that can be used with ContentFilteredTopics.
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Unlike Content Filter Topics, Custom Content Filters allow the use of non-relational operations between topic members, i.e. a computation involving topic members. In this example we create a Custom Content Filter takes an expression "%0 %1 x", where %0 is an integer, %1 is "divides" or "greater-than", and the "x" is the field we are comparing in the sample. The filter lets samples through if the parameter[0] divides or is greater than x, respectively.
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This example shows the combined use of Content Filters with the Deadline QoS, which specifies the updates you expect for a particular instance within a given period of time.
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