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Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 04/16/2015
Posts: 3
jvm.dll is missing

I know this is probably a simple problem, but I cannot find advice in the Knowledge Base or manual. . . . I unzipped DDS Connext Community Edition in c:\Program Files\RTI\.

As a first step, I am just trying to get rtiddsgen2.exe to run (then will figure out rest) on a Windows7 computer from a batch file. Here's my batch file: 

set path="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\client"

"C:\Program Files\RTI\RTI_Connext_DDS_Core_Target-5.1.0-i86Win32VS2010\ndds.5.1.0\lib\i86Win32VS2010\rtiddsgen2"

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