University of Cantabria

On the Integration of DDS and AFDX standards

Standard distribution middleware has traditionally been perceived as complex software which is not suitable for satisfying the highest certification criteria in safety-critical environments. However, this idea is slowly changing and there are efforts such as the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) consortium to integrate standard distribution middleware into the development of avionic systems.

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Handling heterogeneous partitioned systems through ARINC-653 and DDS

Many cyber-physical systems in the avionics domain are mission- or safety-critical systems. In this context, standard distribution middleware has recently emerged as a potential solution to interconnect heterogeneous partitioned systems, as it would bring important benefits throughout the software development process. A remaining challenge, however, is reducing the complexity associated with current distribution middleware standards which leads to prohibitive certification costs.

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Distributed architecture for developing mixed-criticality systems in multi-core platforms

Partitioning is a widespread technique that enables the execution of mixed-criticality applications in the same hardware platform. New challenges for the next generation of partitioned systems include the use of multiprocessor architectures and distribution standards in order to open up this technique to a heterogeneous set of emerging scenarios (e.g., cyber-physical systems).

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Enabling data-centric distribution technology for partitioned embedded systems

Modern complex embedded systems are evolving into mixed-criticality systems in order to satisfy a wide set of non-functional requirements such as security, cost, weight, timing or power consumption. Partitioning is an enabling technology for this purpose, as it provides an environment with strong temporal and spatial isolation which allows the integration of applications with different requirements into a common hardware platform.

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Modeling the QoS parameters of DDS for event-driven real-time applications

The Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard defines a data-centric distribution middleware that supports the development of distributed real-time systems. To this end, the standard includes a wide set of configurable parameters to provide different degrees of Quality of Service (QoS). This paper presents an analysis of these QoS parameters when DDS is used to build reactive applications normally designed under an event-driven paradigm, and shows how to represent them using the real-time end-to-end flow model defined by the MARTE standard.

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Porting the communication layer (Micro edition)

Hello RTI team :)

We are considering the porting of RTI Connext Micro to an ARINC-653-like platform called XtratuM. It is an open source hypervisor designed for real-time embedded and high integrity systems. Although it does not follow a specific standard, its design is based on ARINC-653 so it provides the applications executing on top of it with time and space isolation. It allows the execution of different operating systems (e.g., a general purpose OS, a real-time OS, or an ARINC-653 OS).

The Computers and Real-Time Group (CTR) in University of Cantabria has been working in basic and applied research in the area of real-time technology since 1987.

Our research with DDS aims to develop the appropriate methodologies to build distributed real-time systems amenable to timing analysis. In particular, this research will evaluate different strategies in terms of concurrency, communication mechanisms, QoS support and network protocols to enable the schedulability analysis in distributed systems based on DDS.

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