performance analysis

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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2018
Posts: 1
Difference between Content fitered topic and read w condition

Kindly explain me the difference between read over content filtered topic and reading a topic with read_w_condition. Also how they can impact performace in real time system

Design and Performance of DDS-based Middleware for Real- Time Control Systems

Abstract: Data-centric design is emerging as a key tenet for building advanced data-critical distributed real-time and embedded systems. These systems must find the right data, know where to send it, and deliver it to the right place at the right time. Data Distribution Service (DDS) specifies an API designed for enabling real-time data distribution and is well suited for such complex distributed systems and QoS-enabled applications. It is also, widely known that Control Area Networks (CAN) are used in real-time, distributed and parallel processing.

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