Error message

Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.3.x If Persistence Service closes ungracefully (via Ctrl-C or the kill -9 command), a new Persistence Service instance will not be able to run. It will show the following error message: Database is already in use by another RTI Persistence Service or was ...
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Note : Applies to RTI Connext DDS 4.4 and above The following error: NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_SocketFactory_create_receive_socket: No interface found enabled for multicast. happens when a DomainParticipant is created with UDPv4 transport enabled (which is the default value) and all network interfaces ...
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The following error: NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_receive_rEA:!precondition: buffer_in->length < (self)->property->message_size_max is caused when the buffer size of the Receiver Pool is less than the message_size_max of a builtin transport (UDPv4 in this case). To fix this issue, all you need ...
6852 reads — 0 comments
Errno 0x2738 or 10040 is WSAEMSGSIZE . It indicates that a datagram failed to be sent or received because an OS or hardware buffer was smaller than the datagram. Check for consistency between the publishing and subscribing Participant’s Transport property: transport.parent.message_size_max . ...
5193 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x This solution addresses the following exception: PRESParticipant_assertRemoteParticipant:!assert remote participant c0c80aa3 7e520001 due to different ro area DISCDynamicParticipantSelfDetector_onDataAvailable:!assert remote participant The likely cause of this ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. RTI Connext uses the concept of exclusive areas (EA) to avoid deadlocks when user listener code calls the RTI Connext APIs. In a nutshell: Each entity has their own EAs. Controlling access into EAs is a way to prevent deadlocking situations. The rule of ...
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