
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1, 4.2; While the design pattern also works for RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above, its batching feature is a better way to achieve aggregation. Purpose Publisher This example shows how to create an application that aggregates data. This ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above. The following example is written in C++. Publisher This throughput test is based on the throughput test in $NDDSHOME/example/CPP/performance/throughput, with modifications to batch data samples for aggregation. Instead of sending ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.0 and above. This example shows how to achieve batching without using the Batch QoS policy (which was introduced in 4.4). Publisher This Publisher sends out bursts of 32 keyed reliable samples at 20Hz. The point here is that the dataWriterQos.protocol.push_on_write = ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext Micro 2.2.2. A HelloWorld example for RTI Connext Micro 2.2.2 on Android is provided in the attached bundle . After unzipping the bundle, follow the steps in the README.txt to configure, build, and run a simple HelloWorld publisher and subscriber. ...
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