
When using asynchronous publication and Best Effort reliability, you may see the warning: PRESWriterHistoryDriver_completeBeAsynchPub:!make_sample_reclaimable in topic 'MyTopic' This warning message may be caused by a small history depth you are configuring. Since you are using asynchronous ...
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The error message “File-set is exhausted, recording will stop (no more space available in fileset and rollover inactive)” comes from the fact that the default maximum size for a file segment is 2 GB. When the recorded segment reaches 2 GB, Recorder stops. Below are two options for avoiding this ...
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Note : Applies to RTI Connext DDS 4.4 and above The following error: NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_SocketFactory_create_receive_socket: No interface found enabled for multicast. happens when a DomainParticipant is created with UDPv4 transport enabled (which is the default value) and all network interfaces ...
10079 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. The following error: [D0004|CREATE Participant|D0004|ENABLE] NDDS_Transport_Shmem_is_segment_compatible:incompatible shared memory protocol detected. Current version 1.0 not compatible with 2.0. is caused when two applications, one using RTI Connext DDS 4 ...
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