Hi Folks,
I started to look on a research papers about cloud monitoring using DDS. I found a research paper about this topic titled " DARGOS: A highly adaptable and scalable monitoring architecture
for multi-tenant Clouds".
I want to ask if anyone has worked with DARGOS or has useful presentations, manual, etc. to start with.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Emad,
The DARGOS project is a collaboration between the University of Granada (Spain) and the University of Bologna (Italy). It consist in a distributed monitoring system to be integrated within Cloud systems and even Grids. It has been successfuly integrated with the OpenStack Cloud fabric. You can find more information and code in their site: http://tl.ugr.es/dargos
I am the main author on the code, so don't hesitate to ask in this thread if you need further assistance on setting it up.
Let me allso mention that there are other DDS based monitoring systems such as Cave Canem that you can try (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cavecanem/).
PS: The DARGOS live demo site is currently down, but hopefully it will be up again soon.
Many Thanks Javier. Actually I see your name as first author of the paper :)
I'm currently working on the literature review of the topic. Very soon I will start in setting up the system.
I'm planning to install Connext DDS and OpenStack on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS then I will check how to integrate DARGOS with this.
Please advise me about this plan.
Sounds good. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Javier,
I have OpenStack and RTI Connext installed on Ubuntu 12.04. Eclipse and Connext simple examples are also there. Can you please give a hint on how to try Dargos package under this environment? I see there is .py in addition to .c files under source.