What is the correct way to use the 'typeConfig' option of rtirecconv 5.0.0?

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Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/24/2014
Posts: 8
What is the correct way to use the 'typeConfig' option of rtirecconv 5.0.0?

I have used the RTI Launcher "Type Converter" to convert the "ShapeType.idl" from the Shapes Demo to an XML format.  I then tried to use the rtirecconv utility, however, I can't determine what the "cfgName" is.  The command I used is as follows:

rtirecconv -format csv -filePrefix "5004__" -typeConfig "C:\ShapeType.xml" ShapeType "C:\MyDatabase.db_0_0"

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/15/2013
Posts: 94

Hi Laura,

RTI Recording Service Converter is a utility that allows you to export data previously recorded with RTI Recorder into a human-readable format, such as XML or CSV (comma-separated values). It makes the most sense when data was recorded in serialised format for maximum performance, but has to be made human-readable for analysis.

The -typeConfig parameter is optional and used when the type information was provided to RTI Recorder as XML types inside the Recorder XML configuration, and not via discovery (and so available among the recorded discovery data). So, in order to use it, you need to specify the XML configuration file you used with Recording Service to record, and the name of the configuration you used within that file.

That said, if you recorded Shapes Demo and didn't turn off distribution of the type-code information with DDS discovery (see section " Sending TypeCodes on the Network" in the Connext Core Libraries User's Manual or the property "type_code_max_serialized_length" on how to activate/deactivate this option), the type should have been recorded by Recorder in the discovery tables (called DCPS* tables). So you shouldn't need to specify the -typeConfig information to the Converter utility. The tool will figure out the type information itself. Does this make sense? Let me know if you have any more doubts.



Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/24/2014
Posts: 8

Thank you Juanlu, that is very helpful.  I did not turn off distribution of the type-code information, therefore I suppose I don't need to look into the -typeConfig parameter after all. 

The reason I was wondering about it is when I use the RTI Recording Service Converter utility to convert a serialized RTI Recording to human-readable format, the heading row is not correct.  The heading row should read "Timestamp, user.producerID, user.filterID, user.timestamp.sec, user.timestamp.nsec... etc".  The heading for the second two fields is missing - so the heading row actually reads "Timestamp, user.timestamp.sec, user.timestamp.nsec... etc".  The subsequent data is fine, the producerID and filterID fields are present and appear to be correct.  So the only issue is that the heading does not line up with the actual data.  Do you know what might be the cause of this?