reliable QoS vs. TCP protocl

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Joined: 08/03/2015
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reliable QoS vs. TCP protocl

Hi guys,

I would like to know what's the difference between use a UDP traffic with a reliability, which is defined in QoS file, and use TCP traffic, also defined in QoS file.

The reliable traffic use an ACKNACK as the TCP uses ACK. Therefore, what's the difference?


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Last seen: 11 hours 49 min ago
Joined: 04/06/2012
Posts: 324

One difference is that when the Writer is set up for UDP + Reliability, the Readers will still have the ability to choose to receive the data Best Effort. 

If you force the channel to be TCP, then there is no way to choose best effort (indeed, you can define them as best effort in QoS, but they will still be reliable due to the TCP connection).

And you can tune reliability over UDP to best suit the actual bandwidth and clutter on the wire, which is not possible to do if you are using TCP's reliability.

You have much more controlover the UDP+ReliabilityQos than what is supplied via TCP.