Hi, is RTI planning on making Windows 7, x64 bindings for RTI Connector for Connext DDS available?
Currently I only see Linux bindings available. The reason I ask is because one use case we are considering for the RTI Connector for Connext DDS is creating a browser application in javascript which can run on both Windows and Linux within a browser. Basically, we want to use the browser to achieve OS interoperability for our application. I can see that this would also be very useful if extended to other OS-es/architectures, such as Android, MAC, etc. That way, applications written once, in javascript, could run within a browser on different OS-es/architectures.
Anyhow, in the first instance all I am looking for is Windows 7, X64 bindings to get started.
Hello Tom,
You are right. So far we have bindings for linux and mac. We impemented the connector as part of a research project and we will try to add support for other architectures (including windows). Unfortunately I don't have yet an exact time line but thanks for writing in the forum: it will definetely help prioritizing this over other things!
Stay tuned!
Gianpiero Napoli
Senior Software Engineer - RTI
Hello Tom,
I added support for the node connector (and python as well). I tested nodejs on win 10 64 bit with visual studio 2013.