Is there a way to save the data that is received in a topic? Right now, I am subscribed to a topic through the Administrator Console and I can see its fields and values. Is there a way for me to capture the info in topics? Ideally I would like to capture the data of a single topic.
I know that there is the RTI recorder available but I am not very familiar with how it works or if it can capture a single topics data like I am trying to do.
Recording Service is pretty easy to use.
For example, in the attached MY_RECORDING_SERVICE.xml file, there is a recording_service profile that only records the 'Squares' from the Shape Demo.
<recording_service name="UserRecorderService_Squares">
If you use the Recording Service GUI, from the Launcher, you can specify this file in the "Custom" field and select UserRecorderService_Squares - from Custom configuration
The recorded session is saved as a SqLite Database.