Hello there!
I was looking in detail at the command-line parameters used in RTI Perftest and came across -scan
, a publisher specific parameter. The description states:
"Run test in scan mode. The list of sizes is optional and can be either in the [32,63000] range or the [63001,2147482620] range (Large Data cannot be tested in the same scan test as small data sizes). Default values to test with are ‘32:64:128:256:512:1024:2048:4096:8192:16384:32768:63000’ The -executionTime
parameter is applied for every size of the scan. If -executionTime
is not set, a timeout of 60 seconds will be applied."
What exactly is scan mode? Is this when the publishers/subscribers scan for new participants during the test?
I tried looking online for anything regarding "dds scan mode" and couldn't find anything. Any advice/guidance would be incredibly helpful!
Thank you,
No, "scan" refers to running RTI Perftest to test data of different lengths in a single invocation of the test. It will produce results for different data lengths, by first sending 32 bytes for a set amount of time (executionTime), then 64 bytes, then 128 bytes, etc.
Hi Howard,
That is a very useful configuration parameter for running multiple tests autonomously. How would I be able to differentiate between the results within the command line output?
Hi Kaleem,
Perhaps you should try running RTI Perftest with the scan mode and see if that doesn't give you what are looking for.
Great! I will do that. Thanks a lot for all the guidance Howard!