Can only get comms in one direction.

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Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/29/2020
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Can only get comms in one direction.

Hello, I have a problem here, that we can't figure out. Trying to connect 2 systems with RTI DDS. Messages in the one direction are matched, but in the other direction I get error "Requested/Offered QoS", QoS is setup using the same file, but  different code. And don't see anything with rtiadmin.  Any ideas on what to check?

Howard's picture
Last seen: 13 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 626

Well, something is your QOS configuration is incorrect, resulting in the "Request/Offered QoS" error.  If you increase the Connext verbosity to WARNING level, you should get a direct message of which QOS is the problem.

Alternatively, RTI Admin Console has a view called "Match Analysis" which will also show you exactly what the QOS is misconfigured.  This assume that RTI Admin Console can see both applications.

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/10/2020
Posts: 25

I have a similar issue with getting the error in the admin console. When I tried the "Match Analysis", I got nothing back. I used the recording console to record withing a domain and when I replay the file and use the same QoS in my python script to read the data from the domain, I didn't get any error. Once I stopped the play back and use the live data, I would get the error.

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Last seen: 13 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 626

What is the error that you're getting?  Are you using RTI Admin Console to subscribe to your data?

If your Live data source is not using the QoS as the Recording Service to replay the data, then your problem is likely an incompatible QoS.

I'm not sure what you mean you tried "Match Analysis" and got nothing back?  When you use the "Match Analysis" feature of RTI Admin Console, you have to select a datawriter or datareader to analyze or it won't show anything.

There are several videos available on how to use RTI Admin Console, in those videos how that feature work is demonstrated.