python api error code and wait for subscription doesnt time out
im getting this error after writing to the topic for some time, it works fine initially as time passes this error creeps up.
RTILuaContainer_Out:!function 'write' failed with retcode 10
RTI_Connector_write:!Write operation failed with 10
is there some document that explains what the error code means or why does this happen?
im running this in the asyncio as a task to periodically check for subscribers so i dont write any message if no one is listening,
however on running this the function doesnt seem to time out its just stuck there. i tried reading thru the documentation but to no avail.
im using the python rti api 1.0 version
So, you have to look at the documentation for the under DDS API for which the Python API maps to.
FooDataWriter::write() will block when it is out of spaces in the writer's cache (aka send queue) to store the data to be sent. This usually happens when the writer/reader has RELIABLE reliability and the reader has not been acknowledging any of the sent data leading to a full queue, which will block the next write call...until the max_blocking_time of the Reliability QoS Policy has been hit.
As for your wait_for_subscriptions(timeout=100), it's unclear what you set as the timeout. Is that 100 seconds?