Cannot Create Data Reader for New Topic

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Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/15/2019
Posts: 3
Cannot Create Data Reader for New Topic

I'm working with an existing system which already has many topics. I've added a new one and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to create a data reader for the new topic:

PRESPsService_createLocalEndpoint:!assert pres psReader
DDS_DataReader_createI:!create reader
DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader_disabledI:!create reader
DDSDataReader_impl::create_disabledI:!create reader
DDSDataReader_impl::createI:!create reader
DDSDomainParticipant_impl::create_datareader:ERROR: Failed to create datareader

This is from C++ code. Does anybody have suggestions for where I should look to begin resolving the issue?

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/15/2019
Posts: 3


I've discovered that there is no issue with the new topic I am creating. If I remove a different topic from my configuration, then this topic is able to be added without issue. I suspect my error is rooted in some memory issue or maximum number of endpoints which are allowable.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/15/2019
Posts: 3

I'm posting a second update:

I've tried creating another new topic. This new topic cannot create a reader if either of the previous two problem topics have had readers created already. The new topic has minimal data inside of it, nothing that isn't in different topics already. We are using the C++ Traditional API.