I have doudt about discovery that in simple End Point Discovery, After discovery is the BUILT-in DATAWRITERS and DATAREADERS are going to use for transfer user data or any work will assigned to them.
Thanks in Advance.
I have doudt about discovery that in simple End Point Discovery, After discovery is the BUILT-in DATAWRITERS and DATAREADERS are going to use for transfer user data or any work will assigned to them.
Thanks in Advance.
"doubt" doesn't mean what you think it means in this context. <-- sorry, one of my pet peaves.
The built-in data readers and writers are ONLY going to handle internal DDS traffic. They will never be used for user data.
The (RTI) built-in Publishers and Subscribers don't handle user data either, but they do supply a useful service by giving you the ability to instantiate Readers and Writers, without having to first instantiate a Subscriber or Publisher.