Multiple Java class generated for const in IDL

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Multiple Java class generated for const in IDL

I am trying to generate Java sources from VideoData.idl , from the Streaming Video demo.  The Java sources got generated, but each const result in an individual Java class:

Java source generated

This is te content of one of the generated Java class source file 




This is the original IDL file, with only the package name changed:


module net {
module entrypass {
module videodata {
module generated {

const string VIDEO_TOPIC = "VideoData";
const string QOS_LIBRARY = "RTIExampleQosLibrary";
const string QOS_PROFILE_STREAMING_DATA = "StreamingVideoData";
const string QOS_PROFILE_MULTICAST_DATA = "MulticastVideo";

const long MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576;
struct VideoStream {
   long stream_id; //@key
   unsigned long flags;
unsigned long sequence_number;
sequence <octet, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE> frame; 




 Does it mean all constants must be located it it's own struct?

Binary Data VideoData.idl1.74 KB
File MAX_BUFFER_SIZE.java409 bytes
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Last seen: 3 days 5 hours ago
Joined: 11/29/2012
Posts: 627

Hi Hanxue,

I doubt that you are interested in this anymore since our last conversation, but just in case...

In IDL, the use of

module net {
module entrypass {
module videodata {
module generated {
does not imply that a structure is created with those names.  "module" is just a name space.  Depending on the actual programming language, it's translated differently
in C++, it's namespace
in Java, it's package
So, no constants do not have to be defined in a structure.
Best regards,