Play back data recorded using the Recording Service

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/06/2020
Posts: 3
Play back data recorded using the Recording Service


I've recorded data using the Recording Service (RTI Connext v6.0.1) and I'd like to play it back but on another machine that doesn't have RTI DDS installed.

Is it possible? I've looked for this functionality in the RTI Connector for Python ( but didn't have much luck with it.

Thanks for your help / suggestions!

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/15/2013
Posts: 94


I'm not sure I follow the use case. So, you want to play back the data, I get that, but where is the Recording Service executable going to be located? Is it this machine you're talking about? Take into account that because Recording Service already uses Connext DDS underneath, you don't need to physically run replay on the same machine as long as the two machines can discover each other.

If indeed you want to playback from this machine, you would need to install Connext DDS on this machine too. Now, as per being able to read the data being published, you also need a DDS application that can do that. Is that app going to run on this machine? Why were you looking into Connector?

Sorry for having so many questions, but it's difficult to determine how best to help you with the info you provided :)



Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/06/2020
Posts: 3


Thanks for the reply and all the questions, they're actually on-point and when I asked the question I had a bunch of misconceptions stemming from the fact that I've just started using RTI Connext. (Which is not to say I don't have any misconceptions left...)

OK, so this is the full context:

* I'm taking part in the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC)

* We have access to Virtual Machines (VMs) on Azure, however this is a limited resource as we have a cap on the number of hours we can use them

* On those VMs we have access to RTI Connext 6.0.1 (and 5.3.1 which I didn't realize as I was asking the question) and to a simulator that publishes data to (on?) DDS

* Since there is a cap on the resources I need to record the data to then play it back on my local desktop machine to prototype and develop procedures for controlling the car

* And, also, since I have a lot of software already working that utilizes ROS, I can either: play back the data using RTI Connext 5.3.1 (that's the version for which we got a free licence too and that's also the version that's being supported by ROS2) to then somehow transform it into a form that's accessible by ROS, or: record the data on the VM using rosbag2.

* My main misconception when asking the question was that I might be able to record the data with v6.0.1 and then play it back on my local machine without having any RTI Connext installed (I know that was incorrect now)


So this is the landscape. And the way I see it at the moment, I can:

1/ use RTI Connext (5.3.1) Recording Service to record the data on the VM and then play it back on my local machine (again, v5.3.1, because that's the version I have a licence for on my local machine)

2/ use either RTI Connext 6.0.1 or 5.3.1 and somehow record it using rosbag2 on the VM (although as suggested here: this might not work)

3/ use RTI Connext 5.3.1 on the VM and on my local machine and communicate via the DDS without using ROS2


So my question should have been: how do I approach the 2nd option? Has anyone tried that approach and succeeded?