QoS ==> XML list

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Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/22/2013
Posts: 7
QoS ==> XML list

I saw a question in the General Questions forum related to default values of QoS parameters.  The answer pointed the user to the API reference guide.  However, that is still a very point-and-click (and time) intensive method to get the desired information for more than a few settings.  Does there exist a single document or web page which gives a comprehensive list of all settings and their related XML translation?  The "rti_dds_profiles.xsd" file does seem to contain much of this data but not in an easily read format...

Gerardo Pardo's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/02/2010
Posts: 602


I am not aware of a document like the one you describe. This is a great suggestion and would be quite useful... The closest is the URL below. It links to a summary QoS list and hyperlinks to details on each DDS QoS policy.

