With G-d's assistance
How could I send an image over Connext middleware?
(I'm new in RTI, aswell as being new to dealing with images in code)
With G-d's assistance
How could I send an image over Connext middleware?
(I'm new in RTI, aswell as being new to dealing with images in code)
An image is just like any other type, and for using it with Connext, you'll have to define a type according to your format/encoding. With RTI Connext, you can define your types in IDL, a programming language-independent type-definition language.
Why don't you take a look at this RTI video use-case? You can download it for both Linux and Windows, and browse the code, play with it, and learn.
I hope this helps shed some light.
Side note: I pointed you to this example as dealing with video is like dealing with sending images every certain period of time.
I actually did get a look at that use-case previously,
though it's quite complicated for me to fathom.
I need a very simple template-like example of an idl-made type for generating the code,
and then a c++ example of how to read binarily from an image file and sending-off the data that was read via the type which was defined for this purpose.
Hi Oriel,
So, how I would proceed (I'm going to asume a raw image type, no compression) is this way. The examples below are not tested, I'm writing them as I go, just ideas on how to do what you want.
Usually you wouldn't work without compression. I think there are many image processing libraries, like Boost's GIL libraries, but there are others.
1) Create an IDL representation of the type, something like
octet r;
octet g;
octet b;
Image {
2) With this, you need to generate C++ code to be used by your application linking against the RTI Connext Libraries. For that, RTI Connext includes a tool called RTI DDS Code Generator. Given a type described in IDL (or, for extension, in XML or XSD) it can generate code in various programming languages. Take a look at section 3.3 in the RTI Connext Core Libraries and Utilities User's Manual.
3) RTI DDS Code Generator (rtiddsgen) will generate code. Your application will need to include and compile the generated code, as well as link against the RTI DDS Core Libraries. If you use the "-example" option in RTI DDS Code Generator, it will also generate example Publisher and Subscriber application stubs. It will also generate Visual Studio projects (if you're using Windows) and makefiles (for other platforms).
What type of templatisation are you looking for? Based, for example, on the compression mechanism / encoding?
Thanks, really!
I was wondering - can't I just read the image file binarily and send it over Connext in an array<char* buffer, size> ?
Anyway, I ran the rtiddsgen - and now I have a whole solution for this image.
I want to test it on a specific image: 451x600, .jpg, 794 KB.
First, how do I tell the publisher to get hold of this image --> place it in the RGB matrix???
And second, how do I tell the subscriber to get the image out of the buffer --> show it to the user window???
Hi Oriel,
In order to send your image file, you have to create a sample of the
type. With RTI DDS Gen, the type will be defined for you. To create the sample in the Stack, you can declare it normally. DDS Gen also provides some helper methods to create a sample in the heap. Take a look at class FooTypeSupport in the DDS C++ API reference. Here, Foo is a metaphor representing your type. In your case, to create a sample of the type you could call:Image * myImage = ImageTypeSupport::create_data();
Now, to fill that sample with the image data, you have to loop through the two dimensions in the matrix field, and copying from the origin:
i = 0; i < SIZE_HORIZONTAL; ++i) {
j = 0; j < SIZE_VERTICAL; ++j) {
myImage->matrix[i][j].r = ...;
// red component
myImage->matrix[i][j].g = ...;
// green component
myImage->matrix[i][j].b = ...;
// blue component
Once you have a valid sample that you want to send, you can call the write() operation on your DataWriter to send the sample over on DDS. The following code sets up the infrastructure to be able to publish your image type:
// Create a Domain Participant in the domain ID you need to send data to or receive data from
DDSDomainParticipant * domainParticipant = DDSDomainParticipantFactory::create_participant(DDSDomainParticipantFactory::get_instance(), id, ...);
// Don't forget to check errors on return codes
// Register the Image type with the Domain Participant just created
ImageTypeSupport::register_type(domainParticipant, ImageTypeSupport::get_type_name());
// Don't forget to check errors on return codes
// Create a topic for the image type. Images will be published under this topic.
Topic * imageTopic = domainParticipant->create_topic(
, ...);
// Don't forget to check errors on return codes
DDSDataWriter * genericWriter = domainParticipant->create_datawriter(imageTopic, ...);
// Don't forget to check errors on return codes
// We want to use the generated DataWriter type (ImageDataWriter) to publish our type
ImageDataWriter * imageWriter = ImageDataWriter::narrow(genericWriter);
// Don't forget to check errors on return codes
Then, once you have a valid
sample filled up, you can send it by calling:...
imageWriter->write(myImage, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
For reading, there are many choices, but they all end up calling the method
and their variations. The easiest (although not efficient) way to read samples is to poll for data on a loop:while
(keepReadingImages) {
Image myReadImage;
SampleInfo mySampleInfo;
retCode = myImageReader->take_next_sample(myReadImage, mySampleInfo);
(retCode == DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
(mySampleInfo.valid_data) {
// Process the image sample
(i = 0; i < HORIZONTAL_SIZE; ++i) {
(j = 0; j < VERTICAL_SIZE; ++j) {
// process components r, g and b of the received image
I would suggest that you check the API reference and documentation for FooDataWriter, FooDataReader and FooTypeSupport. Chapter 6 (Sending Data) and 7 (Receiving Data) of the RTI Connext Core Libraries and Utilities User's Manual may help you understanding more specific details about writing and receiving data over DDS.
Thank-you very much for the post above, it certainly comes in handy.
I did not know how to get hold of the image file
in-order to fill in the specific R-G-B information appropriately.
Still, I preferred tried first a simpler solution:
Passing the whole image file binarily with a char array via connext...
Something went wrong...
I attached the file of the code for putting the image file in a char[] buffer and back
which seemed to work outside of RTI.
Somewhere while the information was changing it's types to "DDS_Types",
or something like that, errors were encountered...
I'd be happy to understand what's wrong in-order to face the problem,
and get it behind me,
G-d willing.