A starting point for a newbie

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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2016
Posts: 2
A starting point for a newbie

Hello community

  I'm reaching for you help as I'm starting my master degree on using DDS middleware in managing disconnections in a mobile system.
I've been reading the tutorials, the community has posted and find them quite useful and set up the Eclipse IDE and just ran the helloworld sample generated with rtiddsgen command.
The issue is since I'm starting, all what I need for the moment is how to "Send" and how to "Recieve" (I'm using java), I want to run a program which allows me to send/publish a single message or string and recive it on the subscriber. I hope someone has a code this simplified that can get me to get a better understanding so I can advance to more complicated stuff faster.
Thanks in advance
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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 02/11/2016
Posts: 144

Hey Ayoub,


To clarify: you want a piece of code that will send a message?

If so, depending on the release you are using, you can find a lot of example java classes for creating a publisher and using it (same for subscriber).

HelloWorldPublisher.java (http://community.rti.com/docs/html/api_java/HelloWorldPublisher_8java-example.html) is an example of creating a publisher and using it.

HelloWorldSubscriber.java (http://community.rti.com/docs/html/api_java/HelloWorldSubscriber_8java-example.html) is an example of creating a subscriber and using it.


Hopefully this helps you advance,

Good luck,


Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2016
Posts: 2

Hello Roy thanks for the Answer, actually I found those samples and I found how to generated a publisher and a sub with the rtiddsgen using the language and architecture, I just wanted a piece of code with just the neccessary stuff to just send and recieve one string (not a sequence not a timer or a count or anything like the simplest helloworld)
I found this link https://community.rti.com/static/documentation/connext-dds/5.2.3/doc/manuals/connext_dds/html_files/RTI_ConnextDDS_CoreLibraries_UsersManual/index.htm
I'll try sticking to it and building what I need step by step, just wanted to see if someone have a really simplified code in java to start with.
Thanks again for your fast answer ;)