Hey there,
I'm using the rti python connector for building a testing API and I need a way to specify the QoS profile for some of my domain participants. Currently they all are using the default profile which works for some topics but produces a mismatch for others. In general I can subscribe successfully to every topic but publishing does not work for some topics due to a QoS mismatch. As far as I can tell there's no functionality in the python connector for setting a QoS profile like there is mentioned in the RTI manual.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Hi Andrew,
In your XML configuration file, use the tag <participant_qos> under <domain_participant>
For example, in ShapeExample.xml:
Hey Alejandro,
I see, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!
I suggest to define your Qos profiles separately (for example, inside the <qos_library> tag at the beginning of ShapeExample.xml).
Then, from your domain participants you can simply refer to existing profiles (possibly overriding a small ammount of Qos policies):