We have started using domain tags to isolate applcation instances running on the same machine but after setting the dds.domain_participant.domain_tag property (programmatically and not via xml) we cannot longer see it in the Admin Console tool. Does anyone know what has to be done in the Admin Console tools in order to fix that? The docs https://community.rti.com/static/documentation/connext-dds/current/doc/manuals/connext_dds/html_files/RTI_ConnextDDS_CoreLibraries_UsersManual/Content/UsersManual/ChoosingDomainTag.htm hints that it should be possible.
Hi Christian, as you mentioned out of the box admin console doesn't support domain tags. However admin console's QoS can be modified.
By default admin console uses built-in QoS that can't be directly modified. A copy of these default QoS settings can be found in rti_connext_dds-6.0.1\resource\xml\admin_console_example_profiles.xml
Meaning: if you only change that file it won't have a direct impact.
I'd recommend making a copy of that file, then add the necessary domain tag settings you want.
Then you can load that file in admin console's preferences dialog. Select add files, then select the QoS profile you want to use from the dropdown.
Perfect, thanks!