I'm trying to set up a HelloWorld subscriber on a VxWorks 7 system but I am getting a number of undefined symbols.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt6_MutexD1Ev.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt6localeC1Ev.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __ctype_toupper.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __stdin.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __tls_lookup.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNKSt12_String_base5_XlenEv.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt6_Mutex7_UnlockEv.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNKSt12_String_base5_XranEv.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt6_MutexC1Ev.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __ctype_tolower.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __locale.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __stdout.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __stderr.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __swbuf.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt8ios_base5_InitEv.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __srget.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol __ctype.
Warning: module 0xffff8000006ffaf0 holds reference to undefined symbol _ZNSt6_Mutex5_LockEv.
It looks like I am missing some library or Kernel image configuration.