
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.x and above. First, we need some background to understand how RTI's shared-memory transport works. The RTI Data Distribution Service shared-memory transport uses different standards to access shared mutexes and shared-memory segments, depending on ...
56542 reads — 1 comment
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1. If you start an application with shared memory as the only transport and then start a second application with a multicast address in NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS or in the multicast_receive_addresses field in the Discovery QosPolicy on the same node, you ...
3829 reads — 0 comments
Suppose you have a local variable in your application that is declared as a double (that is, a long long variable declared within an IDL file), and you try to cast it to a RTICdrLongLong variable, like this: double doubleLocalVar = 0; /* Main loop */ for (count=0; (sample_count==0) || (count< ...
4061 reads — 0 comments
The minimum heap required to run a simple HelloWorld publisher and subscriber on an INTEGRITY system is about 11.3MB. Problem You run an example HelloWorld application and create_participant() returns NULL. When you increase the logging verbosity, you see messages such as: !create fast buffer pool ...
2974 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x and above First, it is important to point out that NDDS 3.x and RTI Connext 4.x and above are not wire-protocol compatible. Applications built with these 2 products cannot communicate with each other. Second, although the object models of both products ...
3429 reads — 0 comments
This depends on what version of RTI Software you have installed: Version 4.2x and earlier: rtiddsgen only recognizes keys in the outermost structure. Version 4.3x and later: You can specify the key not only in the top-level message but also in nested structures. Let's look at some use cases: 1) You ...
5935 reads — 2 comments
A simple way to tell whether UDP checksum is enabled is to use Wireshark or tcpdump to display the UDP header. Look at the udp checksum field in the UDP header. If this field is 0x0000, then UDP checksum is disabled; otherwise it is enabled. For example, on a Linux machine, the following command ...
11931 reads — 3 comments
