
Note: Applies to NDDS 3.0 and VxWorks 5.4. Introduction The VxWorks TCP/IP stack uses a fixed amount of buffers. The buffers and their sizes are configured in the kernel. This is different from non real-time OSs, where the buffers can be taken as needed from main memory. In many NDDS applications ...
23989 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1, 4.2; While the design pattern also works for RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above, its batching feature is a better way to achieve aggregation. Purpose Publisher This example shows how to create an application that aggregates data. This ...
4579 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3x and above, Both rtiddsping and rtiddsspy can be configured to use multicast for discovery announcements by specifying a multicast address as part of the initial peer list (using -preer <PEER> ). However, rtiddsping and rtiddsspy do not have ...
5818 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above. The following example is written in C++. Publisher This throughput test is based on the throughput test in $NDDSHOME/example/CPP/performance/throughput, with modifications to batch data samples for aggregation. Instead of sending ...
3746 reads — 0 comments
If you are running RTI Analyzer on Linux and you see the following message: JVM terminated. Exit code=127 and the following error on the command shell: /usr/local/rti/RTI_Developer_Platform_1.3.0/jre/bin/java: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/rti/RTI_Developer_Platform_1.3.0/apps/RTI_Analyzer_1.3.0/ ...
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Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above The message RTINetioSender_addDestination:no transport for request is a warning that RTI Connext could not find a transport for a specified peer locator. The UDPv4 and shared memory transports are installed by default. When a node tries to add a ...
4323 reads — 0 comments
This solution addresses the following error: /local/rti/RTI_Developer_Platform_1.2.3/jre/bin/java: symbol lookup error: /home/<username>/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.2.0/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/8/1/.cp/ undefined symbol: _ZN4nsID5ParseEPKc when ...
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