
Note: Applies to RTI Real-Time Connect 4.x and above. One possible reason might be your ODBC driver. The following error may appear when RTI Real-Time Connect tries to store a sample and after creating a new entry in the RTC database table RTIDDS_SUBSCRIPTIONS , such as table_history_depth : RTI ...
3518 reads — 0 comments
When running a subscribing application on a Windows system under heavy load (such as when running performance tests), you may experience erratic behavior when receiving samples, due to reassembly failures. You may see that the application temporarily stops receiving data. You can verify this ...
18639 reads — 2 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1 and above. The DDS_TopicBuiltinTopicData built-in topic is meant to convey information about discovered Topics. It is a known issue in RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1 and 4.2 that these topic samples are not propagated in a separate packet on the ...
2452 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x. In general, a can't reach:locator: error message means that a DataWriter cannot send to the locator of a DataReader , usually due to a transport configuration error. For example, suppose Participant A has both the UDPv4 and shared-memory built-in transports enabled ...
24892 reads — 2 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. Upon changing the liveliness lease duration of both the DataReader and DataWriter , and instrumenting the on_liveliness_changed() listener callback on the reader side, you will see the callback is called twice when you kill the publishing application. ...
5514 reads — 0 comments
When RTI Monitor is not getting updates from RTI Monitoring Library, the left-hand Physical View looks similar to the following, showing one or more DomainParticipants and a Topics category, but no DataReaders, DataWriters, or Topics listed under the Topics category: This indicates that RTI Monitor ...
7978 reads — 1 comment
The short answer is that only the platforms listed in the Release Notes are supported. A platform is defined by a CPU architecture, an operating system and its version, and a compiler version. For example, i86Linux2.6gcc4.1.1 means Linux 2.6 on an Intel processor with version 4.1.1of the gcc ...
3191 reads — 0 comments
