
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.x. When running RTI Data Distribution Service over an RS-232 PPP link on a Windows XP system with Service Pack 2, you might see the following PPP Server error: WSASendTo() is failing with the error code 10022, WSAEINVAL. This error occurs because the ...
1862 reads — 0 comments
The follow list describes each of the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters and some common use cases for them. Asynchronous Publisher Configures the mechanism that sends user data in an external middleware thread. Can be used to reduce the amount of time spent in the user thread to send data. Must ...
18754 reads — 2 comments
We do support the ability for local DataWriters and DataReaders of the same topic to ignore each other, i.e., the local DataReader to only receive messages from remote DataWriters , not local ones. To do so, you can call ignore_participant() . For example: DDSDomainParticipant *dP; dP-> ...
7612 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.1 and above. Use the transport properties for the UDPv4 transport to restrict which interfaces the transport will attempt to use. The properties allow you to either use an "allow" list (to specifically allow certain interfaces), or a "deny" list (to specifically deny ...
4923 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.5c and above. This solution applies if you are seeing errors during rtiddsgen code-generation which look like the following (rtiddsgen used with –language java for this example): javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXException: /p8core/interface/ ...
6944 reads — 0 comments
Not all API calls are safe. In general, the get / set_default_XXX_qos() and lookup_xxx() APIs are not thread-safe. The online HTML documentation for various API calls commonly include one or more MT Safety sections which describe any concerns about the use of individual calls in multi-threaded ...
4146 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.4c and higher. By default, rtiddsgen uses JRE 1.4, which is distributed with RTI Connext in $NDDSHOME/jre . If you can not use JRE 1.4 on your computer, the following instructions can help you run rtiddsgen with a Java 5 or Java 6 JRE. To use rtiddsgen with Java 1.6, ...
2841 reads — 0 comments
