
Not all API calls are safe. In general, the get / set_default_XXX_qos() and lookup_xxx() APIs are not thread-safe. The online HTML documentation for various API calls commonly include one or more MT Safety sections which describe any concerns about the use of individual calls in multi-threaded ...
4315 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.4c and higher. By default, rtiddsgen uses JRE 1.4, which is distributed with RTI Connext in $NDDSHOME/jre . If you can not use JRE 1.4 on your computer, the following instructions can help you run rtiddsgen with a Java 5 or Java 6 JRE. To use rtiddsgen with Java 1.6, ...
2983 reads — 0 comments
One potential cause of poor performance on a Linux system is the amount of buffer space the RHEL 4u4 kernel uses to reassemble IP fragments. The parameters in /proc/sys/net/ipv4 control various aspects of the network, including a parameter that controlls the reassembly buffer size. ...
17145 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above RTI Connext does not support the IDL interface data type because it corresponds to remote procedure calls, a concept that does not apply to the data-centric, publish-subscribe (DCPS) communications model of the DDS standard. The valuetype data type is ...
5188 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. If DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_set_qos() crashes, the stack trace begins with free () from /lib/ and if you're making any calls to mlockall() , explicitly or implicitly, you may be running into a known bug in glibc ...
3010 reads — 0 comments
Errno 0x2738 or 10040 is WSAEMSGSIZE . It indicates that a datagram failed to be sent or received because an OS or hardware buffer was smaller than the datagram. Check for consistency between the publishing and subscribing Participant’s Transport property: transport.parent.message_size_max . ...
5504 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. When using Visual Studio to build the project files generated by rtiddsgen, you may see the following error message: [source file name]:fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file:[object file name] is generated. The error is due to the fact ...
41299 reads — 0 comments
