
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1 and higher and all RTI Connext versions. You may want to use Visual Studio Express because it's free. Please note, however, that Visual Studio Express has some limitations: It does not include Microsoft programming libraries, such as MFC, ATL, and ...
8906 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext versions 4.x and above Configuration data structures such as QoS structures are passed to RTI Connext by value, as they are only used to initialize the internal state of the entity being created. After the call to create the object, the user application can free the ...
2760 reads — 0 comments
Note: The ports used are different between RTI Connext 4.x and NDDS 3.x. RTI Connext The built-in UDP transport in RTI Connext 4.x and above uses port numbers that are based on the domain ID and participant ID. Because the RTPS spec changed, the mapping is different before and after Version 4.2 of ...
40981 reads — 4 comments
Note: Applies to NDDS 3.x, RTI Connext 4.x and above. Many operating systems, including Linux, limit the number of multicast group memberships that a machine can belong to simultaneously. (A "multicast group membership" indicates that a machine is listening to messages for a specific multicast IP ...
16606 reads — 0 comments
Note: This entry applies to Windows systems only. If you are sending data larger than 1400 bytes, and the subscriber is not receiving any data, make sure winsock32.lib is NOT in the list of libraries included in your project. There are two different socket libraries on Windows systems: winsock32. ...
3867 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.0x. RTI Distributed Data Management functionality has been incorporated into RTI Connext Integrator . RTI Distributed Data Management (formerly SkyBoard) integrates peer-to-peer networking and real-time, in-memory data management systems into a ...
2284 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. An example throughput test is provided in NDDSHOME/example/[CPP or Java]/performance/throughput. The most common problem encountered in performance testing is a publisher that is sending too fast for the receiver to process. Symptoms of this include a ...
11401 reads — 0 comments
