linker error

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Last seen: 8 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 06/14/2016
Posts: 2
VS Express 2015 - unresolved external symbol __iob_func

When attempting to compile the provided Hello-i86Win32VS2015 solution under $(DOCUMENTS)\rti_workspace\5.2.3\examples\connext_dds\c++\hello_simple\win32, I receive a LNK2001 error. I am running Visual Studio Express 2015 on 64-bit Windows 7 Professional.

The error's description is "unresolved external HelloPublisher symbole __iob_func", and the file listed is nddscz.lib.

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Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/07/2016
Posts: 2
unresolved external symbols in hello_simple c example in visual studio 2013 and 2015



I'm trying to get the C and C++ hello_simple examples of connext_dds 5.2.0. working with visual studio 2013 and 2015 on Windows 7 Enterprise.

installation of dds was successful and all environment variables are set correctly, I was able to verify it through successfully testing the C# examples.

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