Hi, I'm trying to use function matched_publication_participant_data() to achive domain_partipant's name of matched publishers. But as modern c++ ducument said, if matched_publisher and data reader where in the same domain_participant, it will throw an exception. how can I know that the matched_publisher and data_reader are in the same domain_participant to don't use function matched_publication_participant_data() for that matched_publisher?
I'm creating integration tests for my DDS application. To acquire readers, writers I'm using configuration through QoS XMLs. When running two specific test cases from the total of 32 cases, the second case always fails. When debugging the code, there seems to be a problem in my configuration, but I can't seem to figure it out. There is an ErrorCode from DDS, but that generates a SerializationException:
I have an idl file that defines a char[] in a struct as follows:
struct baseDataHdr_S {
octet paramId[16];
short miscHdrBytes;
The autogenerated Java code looks correct, but when sending the Topic I get an error:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8
at ...baseDataHdr_STypeSupport.serialize
Looking in the java code the char[] is correctly defined as a char[16], so I'm stumped why indexing char[8] during serialization would cause this exception.