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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/20/2020
Posts: 6
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: 'Type 'DDS.Retcode_PreconditionNotMet'

I'm creating integration tests for my DDS application. To acquire readers, writers I'm using configuration through QoS XMLs. When running two specific test cases from the total of 32 cases, the second case always fails. When debugging the code, there seems to be a problem in my configuration, but I can't seem to figure it out. There is an ErrorCode from DDS, but that generates a SerializationException:


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Last seen: 6 months 4 days ago
Joined: 02/15/2019
Posts: 44
Explanation required about RTI Perftest areas.


I've been running some tests using RTI Perftest and have some questions regarding the architecture as well as some of the data.

I've been running these scripts:


start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096


RTI Connector for Connext DDS

RTI Connector for Connext DDS is a quick and easy way to access the power and functionality of RTI Connext DDS from a variety of different scripting languages, including JavaScript, Python, Lua, and go. It builds on several powerful capabilities of Connext DDS, including XML App Creation and Dynamic Data.

RTI Connector was created by the RTI Research Group to quickly and easily develop demos and proof of concept. We think that it can be useful for anybody that needs a quick way to script tests and interact with DDS using different scripting languages.

A New Architecture for Automotive Hardware-in-the-Loop Test

As automotive electronic system design evolves, so must the HiL testbench and automotive test platforms. the fundamental functional design approach has been modular and ECU-centric, but the ECU count has steadily increased. the next big shift is to achieve functionality through the integration of multiple ECUs. Audi is responding to these challenges by radically re-thinking the architecture of the HiL test platform and defining a next generation approach.

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Evaluation of a Real-Time Distribution Service

Abstract: As control systems become more distributed and they are implemented with smaller hardware and software components, implementing the necessary communication links becomes challenging. There are considerable technical difficulties in guaranteeing upper bounds for latencies in motion or machine control, synchronizing the execution and communication of distributed components, taking corrective action in fault situations and reconfiguring the system.

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