performance testing

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 08/11/2019
Posts: 28
Testing publish and subscribe transmission delay.


I try to test the transmission delay from publish to subscribe,

so I set two parameters,

one is SendTime another is ReceiveTime, use DDS_DomainParticipant_get_current_time,

the SendTime I put in publisher, 

and ReceiveTime I put in publisher,

I get the delay = ReceiveTime - SendTime but it is not correct, 

Is there and suggestions for test transmission delay?



3 posts / 0 new
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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 02/15/2019
Posts: 44
Explanation required about RTI Perftest areas.


I've been running some tests using RTI Perftest and have some questions regarding the architecture as well as some of the data.

I've been running these scripts:


start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096

start cmd /k perftest_java.bat -dataLen 4096


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