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Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 05/09/2019
Posts: 1
How to get textfile of Participant QoS, similar to Admin Console

I am fairly new to the fine-grained details of RTI DDS. I have a system with many participants across many domains, partitions and topics. I do not have access to the source code for all of the applications (participants).

I am looking to generate a textfile log of which participants are running and what their DDS QoS is set to. Specifically I am interested in: durability.kind, ownership.kind and reliability.kind.

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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 05/10/2016
Posts: 5
Speed up data reader liveliness count

Hi. I'm using DDS RTI 5.3.0 with the Modern C++ API. I'm using DDS to communicate an app, which serves as a front-end and has several DataReaders, with a separate app that works as the backend and consequently has several DataWriters.

Users interact with the front-end app and should be able to know whether the backend is alive, so I thought it would be nice to check whether there are DataWriters publishing the topics for the DataReaders to read. I've used two alternatives:



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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2015
Posts: 12
Timeout for "Reliable reader activity changed -> inactive"


I have a Reliable, TransientLocal keyed topic with one DataWriter and one DataReader. History is KeepAll on the DataWriter and KeepLast(2) on the DataReader. All other QOS are at their respective defaults. To test liveliness behavior, I ran the following protocol (using v5.2.0 on Linux):

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 03/31/2016
Posts: 23
DW Sample Replacement

Is there are method the writer can be notified (via callbacks or by polling) that an unacknowledged sample has been replaced in the send_queue (in case the QOS allows this of course)?
I could not find any explicit indication for that in all of the Statuses for DataWriters (specifically the RELIABLE_WRITER_CACHE_CHANGED Status)


 Thank you,

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