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Last seen: 11 months 1 week ago
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Microcontrollers and DDS


Can any one please tell me the type of microcontrollers that support DDS?

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Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Using Deadline QoS

Hello all,

I am working in real-time video streaming over DDS. I need to use deadline QoS to chech for when the packet should be received at subscriber side. any example to use deadline QoS.

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Real-time Video streaming using DDS QOS

Hello all,

I am working in real-time video streaming over DDS and searching for papers related to configuring DDS QoS for real-time video sreaming,

Many thanks in advance.


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Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 13
Error compiling cave canem

Hello Folks,

I'm trying to use cave canem project for Cloud monitoring. I have OpenStack and RTI Connext running on Ubuntu 12.04. I'm new to RTI Connext. It is the first time for me to work on DDS application.

Below is the problem specification.

After importing cave canem project, I see many errored lines of codes in different files. below is a subset of the errors:

  • In plugin_manager.cpp under main, I see red line under the followings:


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Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 13
RTI Connext license file

Hi folks,

Recently, I have installed RTI Connext 5.0.0 on Ubuntu 12.04. The license file which comes with the image has expired. How can I get a new license file? knowing that I want to use it for academic purpose.

Organization: KFUPM university.



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Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 3
QoS monitoring

Dear Sir,

Could you kindly list the most important QoSs that should be monitor in the real time system in dynamic environments ?

How we can monitor a specific QoS at running time?

How we can modify a specific parameters of some QoS at running time?

Best regards,

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Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
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Voice over DDS

Hi everybody,

I am intending to conduct a research on sending voice over DDS middleware. So, I appreciate if any body can light up my way.

Thanks in advance.

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Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/24/2011
Posts: 2
video over dds


I have software from University Of Granada (i think you have listened about it) for Video over DDS. I have project in this area to analyzes the QoS over DDS like latency,performance and throughput  

the header of this software with this name (University Of Granada  Video Over DDS) 

i want the documentation of this software or other software to analyze the video over DDS

I need it as soon as possible

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