I am trying to send 440k at 22Hz.
the QOS profile set at the publisher is:
{reliability = false, deadline = 0, priority = 0, history = 1, durability = VOLATILE, hasKey = false}
So really this is just a bestEffort-Volatile writer.
Reader is set up same.
It's a pretty busy network. My reader displays the topics/sec as a user feedback mechanism. And although it often sustains 20-22Hz, it can dip as low at 4-6, and will frequently stay at 16Hz for periods of time.
While reliability is not important in my use case, a sustained rate of 20-22Hz is. The transport is UDP. OS is linux.
of course there's a swtich or two in the mix, and i am pretty sure its a 100baseT laydown. the machines are pretty modern (< 5 years old). RHEL 4.3 i think is the specific version. I am not 100% sure on DDS version, but it's not ancient.
After instrumenting the code and logging things, it appears to me my topic/sample loss occurs in the DDS layer. Likely the writer is throwing away samples as it publishes quickly(it is a sustained publication rate of 22hz). Is there a way to have some more "history" with best effort- volatile? how can I increase buffer sizes in this scenario?
Is the size of a single data-sample 440 KB?
How are you processing the samples on the DataReader? Are you using a listener or a WaitSet?
I would recommend to increase the "history" to be greater than 1, at least on the DataReader. Otherwise if you are using a WaitSet and take too long to read the data the next sample may arrive and "replace" the previous one as it only has 1 slot on the history depth per key. You mentioned that your data-type does not have a key. In this case it is as-if you had a single key for all the Samples so each sample new will replace the previous one.
Also if your sample size is 440 KB then I think you should use set your QoS to RELIABLE because a 440KB sample would be broken into at least 8 UDP datagrams, which themselves wil be broken into many IP fragments of a size that fits the "path MTU" assuming a path MTU of 1.5KB (which is pretty typical) we are talking about ~300 IP fragments that must be received correctly for a "best efforts" sample to arrive successfully. That is taking a lot of chances... So I would configure the DataReader (and DataWriter--but this is the default) as RELIABLE.
Assuming that yoru application is writing a 440 KB sample each 1/22 seconds (rather than smaller samples at a higher rate) then I would also consider adding a FlowController in order to shape the load on the network. So that the middleware does not try to write all 440KB "as fast as it can". But this wouldbe the last thing I would try, after the ones I mentioned before.
If you really have 100 Mbit/sec Ethernet you do not seems to have a lot of margin. 440 KB at 22 Hz is about 80Mbit/sec by itself and you have to take into consideration the IP and RTPS overheads...
Hi, I did wonder if history > 1 makes any sense in best effort. Sounds like it does if you are recommending it.
The data reader is a listener(not a wait set). Yes confirmed: keyless data.
the size of each topic is 440k. it is a frame of video, greyscale, sampling only red channel, 768x576 in size.
its a legacy piece of software and I cant do much about the fact that it is a screenshot at 20hz and published (uncompressed).
however, i thought since i often see the system can cope, and these dips to 16hz are not that common, it could be rectified via QOS. the 16hz dips happen somewhat infrequently, and the really low dips to 4-6hz are more transient and arent usually sustained.
also my mistake: the network is 1000baseT. (gigE)
Yes, there are situations where History>1 makes sense even for best-efforts, this happends whenever the DataReader or DataWriter do not process the data immediately. In those cases if History ==1 the second sample can override the first one.
However I do not think it was happening in your specific setup because:
a) The DataWriters is writing "synchronously" by default. That is when you call DataWriter::write() it sends the data immediately. However I would recommend you change this...
b) The DataReader is reading "synchronously" on the listener, so as soon as some data is read from to the socket buffer it is passed to the application. However I would also recommend changing this...
So in your current setup the only place where data could be dropped is on the "socket" buffers or on the NIC buffers...
Did you modify the configuratin of the socket send and receive buffers to be large enough? The OOB linux defaults are not always what is needed for large data. You may want to take a look at this HOWTO for details on how to check your settings and modify them to more suitable values: https://community.rti.com/howto/improve-rti-connext-dds-network-performance-linux
I would check the Socket buffers and all the other network settings described in that HOWTO first as these would be my main suspect and run the tests again to see if that made a difference...
Also the NICs themselves can have a big impact and drop packets randomly when stressed by UDP. We noticed this when running our benchmarks and ended up having to buy Intel NICs.
In addition I would recommend 3 other things for increased robustness and determinism.
firstly let me thank you for your support so far!
I had a look at our setup, and it looks like we have applied permanent customizations already. most of the HOWTO suggestions are already setup, with 3 exceptions:
the net.core.rmem_max is much larger than you suggest. the default is 131071, HOWTO recommends 2097152, we have set 8388608
the net.core.netdev_max_backlog default is 300, you recommend 30000, we have only got 1000
lastly, the MTU is still set to 1500, and you do recommend 9000.
One other thing is that the driver config throttle/input coalescing, i dont see any setting applied(on or off). which must mean a default is being used. I don't know how to determine what that is.
We have mostly intel NICs, with a few broadcomms.
do you think there is much value in testing the unmatched settings with the HOWTOs recommendations and testing, or jumping straight into the steps 1,2&3 from the end of your post?
Yes I would first try the settings in the HOWTO. At least the
this is very important. It controls the number of packets that can be queued in the interface. Considering that your packets are 1500 bytes 300 is very little. Does not even fit one of your messages...I would try
fist alone because you may see a big difference just with this.Next I would try the
. In theory thenet.core.rmem_max
being so large shouldn't be a problem. However I have seen people report increased packet loss with very large veluesnet.core.rmem_max
which is counter intuitive... See for example http://serverfault.com/questions/410230/higher-rmem-max-value-leading-to-more-packet-loss. So I would also try to set it to the smaller recommended value just to see if that made a difference.I would also try the MTU of 9K that should help signifcantly by reduring the number of IP packets. But I would try that last, after the previous two.
You could try all at the same time, but if it is easy to run the test it is useful to try them one at a time because that way we can find out which was the root cause.
The throttle/input coalescing impacts mostly throughput and latency. Normally the default setting optimizes throughput so it should not be an issue in your case. This is board-specific the HOWTO explains how to determine the settings for the Intel Pro boards. Not all boards may even support a setting. In any case I think this is the least important.
I have seen issues with the broadcom boards. Does the packet loss correlate with the machines that have the broadcom NICs?
i will do more tests tomorrow and let you know if i see this only on broadcomm or also intel.
also note our backlog is 1000 (not 300). 300 was just the system default. I will increase this to 30k as per the howto.
I will also test lowering the r_mem max.