My program reported this error “DDS_DataWriter_write_untyped_generalI:not enabled”.
there is my codes
public boolean CreateTopic(String topicname, String typename, int dt, String struname, int row, int col, int InOut)
m_dt = dt;
m_elements = row * col;
m_topicname = topicname;
m_typename = typename;
portTc = DynamicTopic_create();
if (portTc != null)
DynamicDataTypeProperty_t props = new DynamicDataTypeProperty_t();
portTS = new DynamicDataTypeSupport(portTc, props);
portTS.register_type(m_domainParticipant, typename);
portTopic = m_domainParticipant.create_topic(topicname, typename, m_domainParticipant.TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, null, StatusKind.STATUS_MASK_NONE);
if ((InOut & 0x2) == 0x2)
DataWriterQos datawriter_qos = new DataWriterQos();
datawriter_qos.history.depth = 100;
datawriter_qos.reliability.kind = ReliabilityQosPolicyKind.RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
portData = new DynamicData(portTc, DynamicData.PROPERTY_DEFAULT);
portWriter = m_publisher.create_datawriter(portTopic, datawriter_qos, null, StatusKind.STATUS_MASK_NONE);
portDataWriter = (DynamicDataWriter)portWriter;
if ((InOut & 0x1) == 0x1)
DataReaderQos datareader_qos = new DataReaderQos();
datareader_qos.history.depth = 100;
datareader_qos.reliability.kind = ReliabilityQosPolicyKind.RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
portReader = m_subscriber.create_datareader(portTopic, datareader_qos, null, StatusKind.STATUS_MASK_NONE);
portDataReader = (DynamicDataReader)portReader;
portCondition = portReader.get_statuscondition();
portWaitSet = new WaitSet();
return true;
and some variables define:
private TypeCode portTc;
private DynamicDataTypeSupport portTS;
private Topic portTopic;
private DynamicData portData;
private DataWriter portWriter;
private DataReader portReader;
private DynamicDataWriter portDataWriter;
private DynamicDataReader portDataReader;
private StatusCondition portCondition;
private WaitSet portWaitSet;
when i run this program, it turns out that
"DDS_DataWriter_write_untyped_generalI:not enabled , DDS_DynamicDataWriter_write:!write"
what i'm confused about is when i call "portDataWriter.write(portData, InstanceHandle_t.HANDLE_NIL);" it cameout that
DDS_DataWriter_write_untyped_generalI:not enabled
which step is wrong?
Sorry, without actually trying to run your program, there's not enough information in your post to determine what the problem is.
I suggest that you set the verbosity of Connext DDS to a higher level and see if that give you additional information that you can use.