I have UI application hosted on the remote machine. Server publishes data and UI Application(Remote) subscribe it continuously and populate data on UI.
If the server added a new record and published new data this data get subscribe through the UI application and populate on UI.
But I am facing problem with dispose data.
If server delete sample DataReader:on_data_avilable get invoked but I can’t able to identify which sample is getting deleted. This sample I need to remove from UI.
public void on_data_available(DataReader reader) {
try {
_dataSeq, _infoSeq,
for(int i = 0; i < _dataSeq.size(); ++i) {
SampleInfo info = (SampleInfo)_infoSeq.get(i);
//info.valid_data == true for new sample and false for dispose sample
if (info.valid_data) {
if(messageProcessor != null) {
} catch (RETCODE_NO_DATA noData) {
// No data to process
} finally {
reader.return_loan_untyped(_dataSeq, _infoSeq);
You should be able to call the DataReader::get_key_value to get the key value of the instance that has been disposed. This method receives as a parameter the instance_handle in SampleInfo.
Best Regards,
- Fernando
It’s actually not the *sample* that’s being disposed, but rather the instance it belongs to, as defined by the values of the “@key” fields in your data type. The SampleInfo has an instance_handle field. The DataReader can populate a sample with the corresponding key field values given the instance handle using the get_key_value() method. Your application can then inspect the key fields for the instance that was disposed.
Thanks Fernando and Tom,
I am able to fetch data using get_key_value(). I really appreciate your help.
Thanks once again.
Rohit K.