internet of things

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/06/2020
Posts: 1
How do I connect publishers and subscribers that are not connected on the same local network?

I have a bnunch of distributed computers (they're specialized weather stations) that are connected to the internet via LTE modem. They're scattered across farmland in Nebraska and although they're in remote places, they have strong LTE coverage. I want these computers to pseudo-stream their data to a laptop located in a remote location that is also connected to the internet. There is no local IT infrastructure connectimng any of the computers, they're only connectivity is over the interet.



An investigation into some security issues in the DDS messaging protocol

The convergence of Operational Technology and Information Technology is driving integration of the Internet of Things and Industrial Control Systems to form the Industrial Internet of Things. Due to the influence of Information Technology, security has become a high priority particularly when implementations expand into critical infrastructure.

Publication Year: 

The Health Aggregator Manager (HAM) project, developed by the Center for Strategic Health Technologies (NUTES), from Paraiba State University (UEPB), Campina Grande, Brazil, in partnership with Signove Technology S/A and LIFEMED Medical Devices, aims to create a high-level system that serves as a managing interface of medical measurements, taken by devices that comply with the ISO/IEEE 11073 standard, using the Antidote, which is a set of free libraries that implement the standard. The contribution is to present a reference architecture and implementation for an open cyber-physical system, with sound documentation and practices. The HAM was developed using agile practices and a requirements-based engineering approach. This mixed approach satisfy safety requirements defined by this type of health/medical system and enables the demonstration of compliance with main software standards.

The middleware between tools for Electronic Health Records (REIS) and Health Aggregator Managers (HAM)


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