
This project explores various clinical scenarios on top of various middleware using a basic set of communication patterns.  This project is composed of the following components. 

  • Simple Communication Patterns abstract low-level details of communication between medical devices and applications.  All of the four patterns support properties to capture QoS requirements.  The supported properties enable modular reasoning (via local control) about devices and applications. A prototype Java implementation of the patterns is available on top of RTI Connext and Vert.x via a common API/SPI and general mechanism to notify clients about the violation of QoS requirements.
  • Clinical Scenarios demonstrate the use of both the native API of communication substrates (such as DDS) and simple communication patterns to realize various clinical scenarios involving communicating medical devices and applications. [Work in progress]

While the effort is being pursued in the space of communicating medical devices and applications, the patterns are applicable to other domains that involve heterogeneous communicating entities.   

This effort is being pursued in the context of Medical Device Coordination Framework (MDCF), a project exploring techniques to enable Medical Application Platforms (MAP).  MDCF provides a prototype implementation of Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE), an architecture to realize MAP.


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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2014
Posts: 15
Sending a simple text message with Connext

with assistance from G-d

Although it may be simple,

how do I send a simple message from one computer to another,

for example, let's take the HelloWorld example

(referred to in 

RTI Data Distribution Service
Core Libraries and Utilities
Getting Started Guide

4.3.2 (page 57-65))

if I have built and run the example, 

and everything works fine.

Now - how do I open a subscriber on a different computer (which is in the same LAN),

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2014
Posts: 15
Streaming video use-case example: VideoData for X64 operating system

with assistance from G-d


I am trying to build the example mentioned above in Visual Studio 2013 on my computer (64 bit operating system).

I get the following error: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'.

I understand clearly that the code (of VideoData) is meant for a 32 bit platform, while my operating system is of 64.

I tried changing the "active solution platform" (in Configuration Manager) of the project from win32 to x64,

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