RSVP Today for Munich Connext Conference 2017!

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/26/2013
Posts: 22
RSVP Today for Munich Connext Conference 2017!

The World's Largest Gathering of Power DDS Users

London Connext Conference 2014 and 2015 events brought power DDS users together from a wide range of industries to share experiences, applications and expertise. For those of you who were unable to attend but curious about what you missed, head over to Community and view a list of the presenters and some of the presentations (2014 and 2015). For our third year, we wanted to switch things up a bit, and the first big change to the event is the location: we’ll be hosting our two-day event in Munich!

The second change (and the one I’m most excited to announce) relates to our agenda. In the past, we’ve created an agenda that showcases our users and their work through a curated selection of keynote presentations, demonstrations, and smaller group presentations. This year, in addition to these, we’re going to be offering 2 workshops! The first workshop focuses on using Connext Pro Tools and the other will dive into Connext DDS Secure. During these workshops, you’ll have time to get up and running with the products, ask questions and receive answers from RTI staff, and more.

This is just a sampling of what we’ll be offering. To register now, head on over to Also, if you’ll be attending and would like to be considered for a keynote spot at this year’s conference, please visit the conference page for submission details. We can’t wait to see you there!