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DataReader data changes on multiple threads

StatusCondition can be used to detect when data changes on a DataReader. This is useful in a single thread, but if there are multiple threads that query the same  DataReader then a read() operation will effect the state of the DataReader in one thread and the other thread(s) will miss an update.So I looked through the API and found the field received_sample_count in DataReaderProtocolStatus. It seems reasonable that each thread can update a variable with received_sample_count and checks for changes in this count to detect a change of data in the DataReader.

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Using untyped read

The Java API documentation for read_untyped is:

void read_untyped (List received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)

What is the approprate type to  use for the received_data parameter ?

 List<T> dataSeq = new ArrayList<>(); does not work. It throws this exception. The list has an initial length of 0, but

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Filter on DynamicData

Content filters seem to work on DynamicData - at least when key fields are used in the expression. I assume this works

because key fields are used to constuct the instance handle and filtering is possible without deserialization. I have not

tested this, but will filtering work on non-key fields for DynamicData ?





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Size of typecode

Is there an API call to get the size of a typecode ? The same size as can be obtained by using Monitor as in this reference :




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Remote Routing Service configuration of content filter

I am trying to remotely change the configuration service. In particular, the content filter must be changed. However, the routing service

reports a syntax error that cannot be explained by the available documentation. I created the XML string but eventually resorted to using

rtirssh to eliminate the possiblility of errors in the application software, but the error is still the same.

The rtirssh command used is (routing service is disabled) :

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Multiple parameters on router content filter

Is it possible to configure a content filter in the Routing Service with multiple parameters ?

For example this fragment will do one parameter, but how can multiples be done ?

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Remote Routing Service configuration

NOTE: Problem was resolved. The invocation counter field should be kept constant when multiple fragments are send.



I am having a problem to get remote router configuration to work when the content of the Xml URL is larger than XML_URL_MAX_LENGTH.

It works fine when the size is smaller than XML_URL_MAX_LENGTH and only one message is required. The procedute I use is to send multiple messages

with only the last one with is_final set to TRUE. What is the expected format for the strings in the fragments ?

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Missing Samples

We miss samples on a configuration topic. Reliability QoS is RELIABLE and durability is TRANSIENT LOCAL. The topic is published once on startup

and there are 1600 samples. However, I noticed that only 1024 is consistenly read. I have read some articles that mention this behavior:, but the consistency of the magic number 1024 makes me wonder if

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Prototyper - number of domains

It seems a Prototyper instance can only participate in one domain.

Is that a correct statement ?





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Configuring Analyzer for TCP and WAN


Is there documention available or a few pointers on how to configure Analyzer tool for WAN (over TCP). The default installation 

requires for example to supply values for "transport_plugin_prefix" and "server" if the WAN transport is enabled (there may be more fields).

A search of the documentation for "transport_plugin_prefix" did not produce any results.




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