University of Pennsylvania

Making DDS Really Real-Time with OpenFlow

An increasing amount of distributed real-time systems and other critical infrastructure now rely on Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware for timely dissementation of data between system nodes. While DDS has been designed specifically for use in distributed real-time systems and exposes a number of QoS properties to programmers, DDS fails to lift time fully into the programming abstraction. The reason for this is simple: DDS cannot directly control the underlying network to ensure that messages always arrive to their destination on time.

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MIDAS Overview and Demonstration - Using SDN and OpenFlow to automatically enforce DDS QoS

The MIDdleware Assurance Substrate (MIDAS) uses software defined networking (SDN) and OpenFlow to automatically enforce timing and other non-functional properties for DDS-based publish/subscribe systems.

The video demonstrates how MIDAS can be used to maintain the network Qos necessary to close a real-time control loop even in the presence of network interference and a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

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